Saturday, October 8, 2022

3 Rounds for Time 20 Dumbbell Thrusters20 Double-Unders20 Burpee Box Jumps/Step-Ups20 Pull-Ups Goal: Push yourself a little extra for this special workoutTime Cap: 20 Minutes
October 7, 2022
Saturday, October 8, 2022



October 7, 2022

3 Rounds for Time

20 Dumbbell Thrusters
20 Double-Unders
20 Burpee Box Jumps/Step-Ups
20 Pull-Ups

Goal: Push yourself a little extra for this special workout
Time Cap: 20 Minutes

Pick a weight for the dumbbell thrusters that you could do 10 reps when fresh but will probably break the reps each round into sets of 4-7.

Shoot for 6 minute rounds, and remember that 6 minutes is a long time when you’re panicking half way through the burpee box jumps in the first round. You’ve got this.

More information below from the original post, found here.

This October, in honor of Blindness Awareness Month, we invite athletes and affiliates to participate in “Finding the Light”, a workout Kym Dekeyrel has programed with some of her favorite movements that are both inclusive and empowering.

Kym Dekeyrel is a competitive CrossFit athlete and 2021 Fittest on Earth in the vision division.

“We can all make a difference.  With one workout we can all be a guiding light.”

Kym Dekeyrel was born with a degenerative eye condition called Retinitis Pigmentosa and completely lost her sight eight years ago.  She became lost within the darkness until the day that her husband brought her into the CrossFit gym for the first time. The CrossFit community instantly embraced her for what she could do instead of judging her for what she could not.  CrossFit has given her strength that she wants to share with others like herself.  She wants to encourage others to know that blindness does not define them, and that they can do so much more than they think possible.

We encourage all participating athletes to donate whatever is comfortable and available (suggested minimum $10) and to please mention your location and/or CrossFit affiliate in the comments at the original post here.  

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