Let’s Talk About Self Sabotage

I think we get in our own way more often than anything else in life.
February 18, 2020
Let’s Talk About Self Sabotage



February 18, 2020

I think we get in our own way more often than anything else in life.

This is unsubstantiated research. #opinion #partyofone

But as we return from an extended vacation and I try to find my way back into my normal life (which is different for everybody, let’s please remember that as we trek down our own paths), I can’t help but think that my tendency to try to make decisions that aren’t in line with my goals is something that only I do.

It is 10.20am, and I am currently prepping my second meal of the day. Greenhouse fresh greens (sauteed earlier this morning) with an egg plus an egg white and a slice of Ezekiel bread.

Now, this may not sound like a big deal, but the amount of convincing I had to do with myself to let myself take the time to do this is ridiculous.

We just got back home after 19 days away. We landed at about 1pm in Dulles yesterday and after baggage claim, a shuttle ride to our car, a pit stop to buy a few pull up bars, and then the drive home, it was 6pm.

And from then until now, I haven’t even been to the barn yet. You guys, I am so excited to see all of the updates you made while we were away. But if I don’t get our home life in order before I venture out into the “real world,” it will all tumble downhill fast.

Not unpacking and doing vacation laundry will turn into days of struggling to find clothes and getting irritated about the mess of vacation remnants strewn about.

Not running the dogs will turn into them doing destructive things around the house. I mean, they chewed up 2 remotes and part of a memory foam mattress in the last couple days we were away.

Not drinking water; I am drinking so much water. My body is screaming at me every hour to drink water. Not making myself nutritious meals when my body tells me it needs them. Not doing these things will turn into me buying a bag of some snack when I stop into Walmart later for some groceries.

Truth: My snack of choice could range anywhere from dark chocolate covered almonds to Fig Newtons to Walmart brand thin mint cookies. **hangs head in shame**

Yep, I understand how it can get like that.

I am just a girl who can relate. Trust me.

So when the motivation or inspiration or the notion comes, and you want to sauté up a bunch of fresh garden vegetables and get some sun on your face while your pups, or kids, run off some pent-up energy, even when you have a million other things equally important to do… Do that.

Don’t deny yourself the opportunity to pursue these things and expect the outcome to work out well. These kinds of tasks are the habits that keep us on track. These are the routines that lead us where we want to go. Fight the urge to sabotage yourself by convincing yourself that it’s not important.

Our minds believe what we tell them. Please be very careful with this privilege.

Also, now I have eaten, and I am getting my butt to the barn!! Cheers to everyone who helped with a project while we were away. No matter how large or small, you guys are making this happen just as much as we are!

xo, Karah

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