The Significance of the CrossFit Open

You know, today this all got very real. Which is weird to say since we’re just over one year into this thing called Heirloom.
March 12, 2021
The Significance of the CrossFit Open



March 12, 2021

You know, today this all got very real.

Which is weird to say since we’re just over one year into this thing called Heirloom.

A year where we opened, and then closed, and then you all learned Zoom and then quickly learned which rooms of your house were NOT the best places to workout.

You learned running distances from your house, how to row any object in more ways than you ever thought possible and that there really, truly is nothing like in-person camaraderie and connection.

Even for the most introverted among us.

You graciously came back to workout outside. In the muddy alley and in the parking lot through the cubby room. You carried all of your equipment inside and outside. You found ingenius uses for the red mats. And we followed you around with our portable speaker, Ipad clock and the traveling white board.

And we all learned how to disinfect all of the things, all of the time. And wear masks. And stop fist bumping. For now.

And you guys just keep plugging along. Taking the next day in stride. Whatever may come.

Welcoming in new faces, and reminding everyone that we were all new at one point.

And today, I understand more than I ever did just how the CrossFit Open is a celebration of community. I am witnessing, from a different angle, the power of shared suffering among a group of people, all working extraordinarily hard to push yourselves out of your comfort zones. All in an effort to truly test the barriers of your own, individual limitations. All while hoping everyone else is also putting their limits to the test and surpassing their own expectations.

It is amazing to witness and inspiring to be a part of.

Thank you all for sharing it all with me.

Today, we are almost exactly one year after March 16, 2020 , the day we closed down after only being open for 2 weeks.

We have taken one full spin around sun, and we’ve only taken one full spin around the sun.

Thank you all for participating so wholeheartedly in this thing called Heirloom. Thank you for showing up, day after day, to put in the work. Thank you for sharing us with your friends and family and for showing us grace as we learn and grow as people, and as a business, right along side you.

We really couldn’t love you all any more.

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