28-Day Health & Wellness Challenge
Are you ready to embark on a journey of transformation to achieve your health goals?
Join us for our New Year Health & Wellness Challenge 2025!
Here's what to expect:
➡️Kickoff Seminar on Friday, January 10th at 6pm, virtual
➡️Two individual meetings (can be virtual or in person) with your nutrition coach. One before the challenge starts, and one after the challenge ends.
➡️A lot of knowledge from our expert nutrition coaches and support from the group challenge participants.
This challenge will focus on four pillars of health:
➡️Mindset/Stress Management
➡️Exercise and Movement
We want you to join the challenge and take one step closer to becoming your best self!
➡️Access to healthy recipes
➡️Simple tips with the nutrition and fitness experts
➡️Increase energy, confidence, and mood
➡️Decrease weight and body fat
➡️Improve your overall health and decrease your risk of chronic disease
How it works?
Our 28-day health and wellness challenge is designed to help you kick start or reignite your health journey. Throughout the challenge you will receive foundational health information that will guide you toward achieving your health goals. Our challenge is designed, written and backed by a team of dieticians and is the perfect stepping stone on your way to taking control of your health.
Steve W., pictured below, joined our health and wellness challenge in 2024 and after many years of consistent fitness, he found that adding in nutrition coaching has had an exponentially positive impact on his body composition. Additionally, he no longer needs blood pressure meds, has seen a 5" reduction in his waistline, and is consistently surprising himself with his new found-strength and skills during his workouts.