How Do I Add My Payment in Wodify? (And Other Good-To-Know Info)

Welcome to Heirloom! Whew, everything is so new and fun and sometimes confusing, and what the heck is Wodify anyway?? Wodify is the program we
Sue Reincke
March 16, 2022
How Do I Add My Payment in Wodify? (And Other Good-To-Know Info)

Sue Reincke


March 16, 2022

Welcome to Heirloom! Whew, everything is so new and fun and sometimes confusing, and what the heck is Wodify anyway??

Wodify is the program we use to tell our athletes what the daily workouts are. It also provides a way for everyone to reserve a spot in class, sign into class, record their workout performances, and pay their membership fees. It’s an all-in-one. 🙂 By the way, “WOD” is shorthand for “Workout of the Day,” hence the program’s name. They’re very clever. 😉

If you want to use Wodify to pay for your membership (they’ll auto-bill your credit card, debit card, or do a bank transfer), your first step is to enter your payment information into your profile.

Here’s how it’s done:

First, you’ll need either the app or website to login and do all the things.  (Our instructions here are for the app, but using the website is also an option.)

Here’s the link to the website:

And here’s what the mobile app looks like in the app store on your phone (It may say “wodify client,” depending on your device, but just look for the multi-colored “W”:

Once you have the app installed and you’ve created your account/logged in, this is what your home screen will look like.  To enter your payment information, tap on the “person” icon at the BOTTOM of the screen:

From there, you’ll see the “settings” icon at the TOP of the screen.  Tap on that:

And finally, scroll down the list of options until you see “Payment method.”  Then enter your details!

And just because it’s all new and again, sometimes confusing, here are what the other icons at the bottom of the screen mean:  

  • The building (Or Barn, which we prefer) shows your schedule of upcoming classes that you’ve signed up for/reserved for the week (It’s the default/home screen that will open when you first open up the app).
  • The calendar shows the classes available for that day.  (And if you tap on the date at the top, you can scroll through and see the entire week.)
  • The barbell shows the workout description for the day.  (At the top you can scroll through and see the CrossFit/BarnFit workout options and days)
  • The person is you!  🙂

If you’re on the website, you’ll see “my profile” in the upper right hand corner of the website. Click on that and look for “payment info” on the left-side menu. Then enter your details!

Please let us know if you have any problems or questions! And again, welcome to Heirloom! And please keep your eye out for another email from us once your membership has started that’s all about how to use Wodify for class information. #OneThingAtATime

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