So far we have laid the bottom layer of our pyramid. The 3 pillars upon which Heirloom Athletics sits. Exercise, Nutrition and Mindset.
Today let’s talk about the heart of the pyramid. Our core values: Growth and Connection.
As it turns out, those are my own personal core values.
Let me tell you a story about the summer of 2019.
In the spring I got the idea in my head that I was going to make a greenhouse out of old windows. I mean, how hard can it be? *eyerolls at own underestimation*
I spent the summer finding old windows and then scraping and sanding and putting a coat of poly on said windows. And the whole time, for hours and hours at a time, I listened to the audiobook versions of Brene Brown’s books, Daring Greatly, Dare to Lead and Braving the Wilderness. I listened to each one twice in a row.
When I say that I somehow unknowingly prepared myself to be right here in this moment with you, trying to build something amazing, I truly mean it.
I didn’t know when I was listening that establishing my own personal core values would be so instrumental in shaping everything that has happened in my life since. I also didn’t know how freeing it would be. Once I determined my core values and lived with them for a bit to make sure they really resonated with every decision I made, I started to realize how much they actually made the decisions for me. Decisions that once seemed difficult felt a lot less so once compared against my core values.
I actually couldn’t really get my mind around the idea of opening a gym until I came to the realization that it would be built around the values of growth and connection, and that every decision about the business would be made based on the answer to the question, “Does this help people grow and/or bring people together?”
And I can’t think of anything I’d rather try to create than something that encourages people to get better together.
I am so honored you’re a part of it.
If you’re interested in thinking a little bit more about your own core values, check out Brene Brown’s Core Value worksheet. Circle the words that give you a reaction when you read them; I think I circled about 15 words. Then, narrow that list down to only 2. It could take some time, but it’s so worth it.
Let me know if you do it so we can geek out about it together please.
And who in your world might find a little direction with this little core values exercise? Please feel free to forward it along.