New Monthly Challenges Coming to Heirloom

Challenges can help us encourage engagement and consistency with you and your fitness. And that’s all we really want to do. Not only engagement between Team Heirloom and our membership.
January 23, 2022
New Monthly Challenges Coming to Heirloom



January 23, 2022

Why does Heirloom want to offer challenges?

Challenges can help us encourage engagement and consistency with you and your fitness. And that’s all we really want to do. Not only engagement between Team Heirloom and our membership.

But between members, and with people otherwise engaged with our community … but not quite yet a member. We see you. 🙂

We will be switching up challenges month-to-month, and even not offering them every month, in hopes that that will keep you anticipating the next one and inspired to participate when we have them.

Additionally, each coach has their own idea for their own monthly challenge, coming to you in a month near you!

This way we’re hoping the monthly challenges don’t get stale, and boring. Each challenge will have it’s own flair and will be designed by a different coach.

And there will be prizes.

Are you a member with a challenge idea? Let us know!

Why would you want to participate in an Heirloom challenge?

Maybe you have been struggling with your regular routine lately? A monthly challenge is a great way to ease back into it with just a little bit of something something every day.

Maybe the monthly challenge is a skill you have been meaning to work on? Doing it with others is always more fun.

You don’t have to participate from Heirloom. Not a member and want to follow along on your own, in the privacy of your own home, please do! That would be amazing. We are cheering you on!

You get to choose how much you actually participate! That’s right, you aren’t committing to doing the challenge every day if you sign up.

You are just saying, yep! I see the benefit here. I’m going to give it my best effort for this one month.

No one loses.

How do you sign up?

Just write your name on the barbell collar and band chalk board once a monthly challenge has been announced to let us know YOU ARE IN!

If you are not a member, and want to participate, you don’t have to let anyone know. But if you want to, send us a text to 443.205.3385 saying “I’m in for the monthly challenge.” We’ll be happy to provide you with movement variations and instructional videos.

We will post details of all monthly challenges in all of the places.

Right now, we are not charging for challenges. If we notice that some kind of monetary investment could be useful to keep people engaged, or that we are putting more time and energy into coordinating challenges than anticipated, this could change.

SPECIAL FOR FEBRUARY! We are also participating in the Susan G. Komen 25 Burpee Challenge.

Complete 25 burpees every day for the month of February. And if you would like to support breast cancer research, donate to our fundraiser, all funds go directly to Susan G. Komen.

February 2022 Monthly Challenge – MIDLINE MADNESS – Details coming this week.

Write your name on the board if you’re in!

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