Are We Rising the Tides?

In November, I attended a continuing education coaching course, and it basically showed the difference in the top 1% of coaches versus the everyday.
December 25, 2019
Are We Rising the Tides?



December 25, 2019

In November, I attended a continuing education coaching course, and it basically showed the difference in the top 1% of coaches versus the everyday.

And the everyday coach is not a terrible coach.  The terrible coaches are a different story. But everyday coaches do their job.  Some might even do it well.

I would actually consider myself a slightly above-average everyday coach, if I’m being honest.  But the separation between that and the potential to be amazing is staggering.

It reminded me that I need to continue to seek out people who are smarter and more experienced than me in areas where I want to learn.

It reminded me that just because something is widely accepted doesn’t mean it is the best way.

I cried the second day into this training after I finished coaching a class as we sat down for feedback.

You guys, the class I had just coached would be widely accepted in 99% of the gyms that I have visited.  But I knew it could have been so much better. And in that moment, I just wanted it to be so much better.

From the way we work to the way we parent to the way we go about doing anything that matters, it never hurts to keep an eye out for a way to possibly do it better.

Especially so, if it makes us uncomfortable.  

It is in the uncomfortable moments where we may find out what really matters to us.

It is also in the uncomfortable moments where adaptation is made mentally … and physically.  

Remember that 6 minutes into your next 20 minute workout. 🙂

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