Casey Scott

Casey Scott

Fitness Coach


CrossFit L1

CrossFit Kids

About Coach

My true passion is helping others find the best version of themselves. I’ve tried to do this through various avenues, and I have more than a few letters behind my name to show for it. After earning my medical degree in family medicine and a masters degree in public health, I’ve decided to own up to that title and become the "Wellness Wizard" at Heirloom Athletics.

Turning Point

I started doing CrossFit in late 2017 after having my second child and realizing that my entire life was devoted to work and parenting. I needed a reprieve from the day-to-day and wanted to get back to my athletic roots. I haven't looked back since.

Motivation & Passion

This journey isn’t always easy. My hope for you is that we will make it fun. And sustainable. And worthwhile. And life changing. Because you deserve all of those things. And when it gets hard, we will rely on the community we’ve built to help us get through it together. Here’s to the best version of you! Let’s get started!